Thursday 24 October 2013

Truth be told.

Artist: Shepard Fairey
Everyone wants a piece of the truth. People can even handle the truth and get to terms with it. But how many of us tell the truth? We all lie; it's a common human trait, a reflex when we know we can't tell the truth. But then again, we are humans and we are bound to make mistakes.

For years and years, the world has been going on based on many universal truths. I don't think anyone has been able to skip these truths and get on with their lives. Sooner or later, the truth tends to catch up with you. A classic example being the ever so familiar phrase of 'Time and tide waits for none'. Another one off the top of my head is from Murphy's Law which says, 'Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong'. True again, bang on!

But, do we really know truth itself? To me, truth is relative to what you believe apart from generally accepted truths. What I believe to be true might not apply to someone else, given their backgrounds, cultures and upbringing. I don't want to sound philosophical really, because frankly I have never read up on great worldly philosophies. However, there are things that are in- built in everyone, a belief system that guides and triggers us about things we know and believe to be true. We all bend different belief systems from time to time to accommodate our thoughts so that it registers as a truth to us. 

Artist: Shepard Fairey
On a different note, I was thinking of the internet, the network where many rely on as the Holy Grail of truth. The amount of half baked truths and whole lies that exist on the internet is just enormous. But then again, we are creatures of habit and a product of our environment. We are just too much used to taking things at their face value and pass it off as the truth. 

So, what's the moral and the truth that I am trying to get at? I've been wrestling with that thought for a while now and the only truth that I could come up with was just do what feels right for yourself. This might be nothing new but I am rediscovering this feeling in a different way, an old wine in a new bottle if you will. On that note, let me end this with a heavy tune about perspectives that is aptly named 'Set You Free' by Distance. Enjoy!